
Alaska Injury Law Blog


Study Finds Institutional Bad Faith at Allstate, State Farm and Other Major Insurers

An 18-month study by CNN has confirmed that most of the major insurers, lead by Allstate and State Farm, are engaging in institutional bad faith claim practices. The study found that insurers, including Allstate and State Farm, have not been treating their insureds fairly. Instead of fair treatment for insureds,…


Allstate Officials Tout Profits While Allstate Seeks Huge Rate Increases From Insurance Regulators

As reported in earlier articles here, Allstate Insurance companies are under intense scrutiny by insurance regulators and legislators in Florida. The state officials suggest Allstate is gouging consumers with unjustified requests for rate increases as high as 42%. It is instructive to contrast the tale of woe Allstate is telling…


Allstate Uses Unauthorized Global Warming Model To Justify Huge Rate Increases.

As everyone knows, Florida suffered significant hurricane damage in 2004 and 2005. Since then, however, Florida has avoided major hurricane damage. Thus, Allstate has avoided significant hurricane losses over the last two years. In addition, new laws were passed in Florida to use billions of dollars of public funds to…


Allstate’s Bad Faith Claim Practices and Rate Increases Are Being Investigated by Legislators and Regulators

Allstate continues to be investigated for bad faith claim handling practices, wrongful termination of policies and excessive rates. Regulators and the Florida legislators who grilled Allstate representatives earlier this week have discovered that Allstate terminated the homeowners’ policies of thousands of insureds who had their auto coverage with an insurer…


Exxon Valdez Appeal Raises Issue Of Whether Commercial Ship Owners Are Entitled To A Special Exemption In The Age Of Modern Communication

Thousands of Alaskans, including the attorneys at the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group, are awaiting the United States Supreme Court’s decision in the Exxon Valdez case, which is set for oral argument on February 27, 2008. In contrast to several punitive damage cases decided by the Supreme Court in recent…


Allstate Using Same Discovery Dodges Against Regulators As It Uses Against Insureds in Bad Faith Cases

The attorneys of the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group continue to watch closely as the insurance commissioner of Florida battles to obtain documents that show Allstate’s institutional bad faith claim handling practices. Allstate is using the same tactics of delay and obfuscation against the regulators that it typically uses in…


Traumatic Brain Injury— How To Obtain Proper Diagnosis of Balance and Dizziness Disorders

We have handled a number of cases at the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group where clients have developed balance and dizziness complaints after suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in automobile crashes or similar assaults to the brain. It is not commonly known that these disorders flow from TBI, and…